- Botanical Name : Solanum Xanthocarpum
- Family Name : Solanaceae
- Common Name : Yellow-berried Nightshade
- Part Used : Fruits, Whole Plant
- Habitat : Through out india,
- Product offered : Fruits, Wholeplant
Uses : Fruits eaten as an anthelmintic and for indigestion. Root is an expectorant, used in Ayurvedic medicine for cough, asthma and chest pain. Also used for flatulence, sore throat, and toothache. Has high concentration of solasodine, a starting material for the manufacture of cortisone and sex hormones. It cures asthma, cough, bronchspasm, sore throat, constipation, an effective expectorant and diuretic. Bhavamisra, an ancient physician, mentions it as promoting conception in females. Given with honey, tulsi (Ocimum sanctum), datura (Datura metal), and black pepper it can be effective in cases of bronchial asthma. Stem, flowers and fruits are bitter and carminative and are prescribed for relief in burning sensation in the feet. Leaves are applied locally to relieve pain.