- Botanical Name : Sapindus Trifoliatus
- Family Name : Sapindaceae
- Common Name : Soapnut Shells, Soapnuts Powder, Small Soapnuts
- Part Used : Fruits, Soapnut Hull
- Habitat : Grows wild in south india
- Product offered : Fruits, Hull
Uses : It is popularly known as Three-leaf Soapberry. It has exactly the same usage as Sapindus Mukurossi and is cheaper from them. Soap nuts have become popular as an alternative to laundry detergent among those who are trying to live in an environmentally friendly style. A few nuts can be placed in a cotton drawstring bag in with a washload and reused several times until the nuts turn black. Fruit posses emetic, tonic, astringent and antihelmintic properties and are used in treatment of asthma. Roots and bark are employed as a mild expectorant and demulcent.