- Botanical Name : Smilax China
- Family Name : Liliaceae
- Common Name : China Root, Madhunuhi
- Part Used : Rhizomes
- Habitat : It is a native of china and japan.
- Product offered : Rhizomes
Uses : The rhizomes are bitter, acrid, thermogenic, anodyne, anti-inflammatory, digestive, laxative, depurative, , diuretic, febrifuge and tonic. It is used in dyspepsia, flatulence, colic, constipation and helminthiasis. It is useful in skin diseases, leprosy and psoriasis. It is used in fever, epilepsy, insanity and neuralgia. It is used syphilis, strangury, seminal weakness and general debility. Detoxifies organs, cleanses blood, aids absorption and kills bacteria. It also stimulates digestion, increases urination, protects liver and promotes perspiration.